segunda-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2011

Music Against Homophobia


In response to Russia's anti-LGBT legislation, the net label Black Circle Records has released a free 29-track album 'Russia's Full of Queers', a compilation album comparable only to a late-night WFMU playlist. Elizabeth Veldon of Dangerous Minds wrote:

"This album is a response to proposed laws in Russia that would outlaw any discussion of homosexuality, bisexuality or transgenderism.

The artists involved gave their tracks free and in many cases produced work to a tight (24 hour) schedule.

There is a wide variety of styles here from Harsh Noise through weird Jazz Cut-Ups to Hip Hop and Ambient.

We only ask that you sign the online petition against these laws and pass the word on.
Alone our voices are tiny, when raised together we can change the world."

Many organizations around the world view the Russian legislation as outrageous. Even State Department spokeswomen Victoria Nulan stated, "Gay rights are human rights and human rights are gay rights." Some polls show that the Russian population is surprisingly homophobic despite being home to t.A.T.u., Legend of Boris and Gleb, a dizzying love of jeweled regalia, vodka, long winters, and centuries of queer lit (including Tolstoy).

Hopefully, homophobic notions won't linger for long as we we continue the march into the 21st Century. As one meme as put it well “450 species practice homosexuality, and only one practices homophobia. Who's weird now?"

You can sign the petition and listen to the album.

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