quarta-feira, 24 de agosto de 2011

Adam Levine Says American Idol’s Homophobia ‘Pisses Him Off’


Adam Levine.
Photo: Ryan Pierse/Getty Images

Adam Levine says The Voice has "had a pretty profound impact" on his life, and that the show has "become a part" of him. Aw! In an interview with Out, Levine covers his love for nudity ("I just love being as naked as possible all the time"); his fear that people think he's "just a bimbo"; his gay-marriage advocacy; and what he thinks the differences are between The Voice and American Idol, particularly as they pertain to contestants' sexuality.

"What's always pissed me off about Idol is wanting to mask that, for that to go unspoken. C'mon. You can't be publicly gay? At this point? On a singing competition? Give me a break. You can't hide basic components of these people's lives," he says.

"The fact that The Voice didn't have any qualms about being completely open about it is a great thing." But he knows where his show fits into the landscape: "I can't fuck with American Idol," he acknowledges. "It's a cultural institution. On The Voice, we just care about a different list of things. It's for a different type of person, I guess." [Out]

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