sábado, 17 de agosto de 2013

Activists paint rainbow crosswalk at Russian embassy in Sweden

in: http://www.cbc.ca/newsblogs/yourcommunity/2013/08/activists-paint-rainbow-crosswalk-at-russian-embassy-in-sweden.html

Övergångsstället vid ryska ambassaden är nymålat. #gilla

LGBT activists in Sweden are letting the Russian government know exactly how they feel about Vladmir Putin's controversial new anti "gay propaganda" legislation in a way that is simple and peaceful but vibrantly proud.

Swedish newspaper The Local reports that protesters gathered outside of the Russian embassy in Stockholm this weekend to paint over a traditional black and white "zebra" crosswalk with a rainbow of colours.

Utanför ryska ambassaden.

 Nu tvättar de bort regnbågsövergångsstället utanför ryska ambassaden :( foto @UlrikaBy instagram.com/p/c8seB2mjtb/

The colourful crosswalk may have been short lived, but it served as a powerful symbol for Stockholm's LGBT community, which celebrated its annual Pride festival earlier this month.

 Spreading some #gay propaganda outside of the #Russian embassy in Stockholm. http://pic.twitter.com/lQPbv0f4WL

Russia's announcement of a new law cracking down on gay rights activism during the 2014 Olympics in Sochi has sparked international debate over participation in the forthcoming games.

In the wake of this intended crackdown, the Russian embassy in Stockholm has been the target of a series of pro-LGBT rights demonstrations.

Outside Russian embassy, #stockholm demonstration in support of #LGBT rights #sthlmpride2013 #russia http://pic.twitter.com/umkMArWFlO

Standing up against the Putins so called morals. Outside the russian Embassy in Stockholm! #russia #gay #LGBT http://pic.twitter.com/QsyeHVgS1G

Gay pride rally outside of Russian Embassy in Stockholm this morning http://pic.twitter.com/wELTFzCUaV via @claesnyberg #sthlmpride

Before it could be washed away, passersby took photos of the rainbow crosswalk to voice their support on Instagram and Twitter.

Rainbow crosswalk outside the #Russian Embassy in #Stockholm. #Equalrights for all

Snyggt övergångställe utanför #Ryska #Ambassaden

 "Neat crosswalk outside the Russian Embassy," reads the caption above, and below "Hey Russian Ambassador, what has anybody done to you?"

Hej ryska ambassaden vad fint någon gjort hos er ❤️

Civil olydnad får tumme upp. Övergångsstället utanför ryska ambassaden.

 "Thumbs up for Civil disobedience. Crosswalk outside Russian Embassy." reads the caption above. Below, "Outside the Russian embassy right now. Apparently they made this last night."

Utanför ryska ambassaden just nu. Applåderar de som gjorde detta inatt #hbtq #lgbt #pride #antigayolympics

 And while the rainbow crosswalk in Stockholm wasn't the first of its kind, it won't be the last either.

Australian LGBT protesters also took to sidewalks outside of the Russian embassy in Sydney this weekend with colourful chalk in a similar fashion.

A beautiful day for chalking! The @DIYrainbows crew outside the Russian Embassy in Woollahra today: http://pic.twitter.com/7Y9M3xh5cc

The #DIYRainbow movement spread beyond Sydney through much of Australia.

And a similar work was spotted in Utrecht, Holland, where this photo was taken, and later posted in response to a photo of the Swedish crosswalk on Street Art Utopia's Facebook page.
Cobuz Okhuijsen's Photos | Facebook

 Others are protesting Russia's law in more traditional ways at embassies in Chile...
Chile: Volunteers from LGBT-rights org. @IgualesChile decry Russian homophobia outside Russian embassy http://pic.twitter.com/1q7HZtn3Nj via @ahsoffia


Pride march attacked in Russia, sign in Istanbul at the Russian embassy: "Don't worry, homophobia can be cured." http://pic.twitter.com/EPu5u0eLqn

Wee @LGBTScotland afternoon protest for LGBT equality at the Russian Embassy @alchemister @FireCrow69 http://pic.twitter.com/VM2F2Tmi7i

"Berlin36 Moscow13" #TelAviv activists protest homophobia in front of Embassy of #Russia #LGBT 972mag.com/tel-aviv-activ… http://pic.twitter.com/QDUCm8OvaJ

And of course, in Canada, where permanent rainbow-coloured crosswalks were installed in downtown Vancouver's west end during the city's Pride Week celebrations earlier this summer.

Rainbow crosswalks show off Vancouver's pride

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