sexta-feira, 21 de dezembro de 2012

Brasil: Lançado comitê em SP para enfrentar homofobia


Entre os objetivos do órgão está a divulgação do Disque Direitos Humanos e o acompanhamento de casos de discriminação e violência homofóbica São Paulo – Na luta pela preservação dos direitos da população LGBT, foi lançado o Comitê de Enfrentamento à Homofobia no Estado de São Paulo, em evento promovido em parceria com a Secretaria de Direitos Humanos da Presidência da República (SDH), a Faculdade de Direito da USP, a Central Única dos Trabalhadores (CUT) e a Ordem dos Advogados do Brasil.

Com a presença de representantes de diversos movimentos sociais, associações, sociedade civil e movimento sindical, o evento de lançamento ocorreu na noite de terça-feira 18.

Entre outros objetivos, o Comitê acompanhará casos de discriminação e violência homofóbica, além de colaborar para que as questões LGBT sejam discutidas na formação dos profissionais de segurança pública e dos sistemas penitenciário, socioeducativo, de justiça e assistência social.

Outros comitês estão sendo organizados no país. “Essa política é muito importante. Estamos apoiando qualquer iniciativa no Brasil para a criação de comitês de enfrentamento da homofobia”, ressaltou Gustavo Bernardes, coordenador geral LGBT da Secretaria de Direitos Humanos.

Para ele, o maior desafio é provocar as denúncias, já que muitos cidadãos ainda não têm conhecimento do Disque 100, que até 2010 recebia apenas denúncias de abuso e exploração contra crianças e adolescentes, mas desde então, o número recebeu o nome de Disque Direitos Humanos, e passou a receber ligações de crimes contra idosos, violação aos direitos de pessoas com deficiência, violência contra população em situação de rua, descriminação por orientação sexual e contra tortura e outras violações.

Outro objetivo do comitê é justamente contribuir para o aprimoramento da comunicação entre os órgãos que recebem e atuam nas denúncias provenientes do Disque Direitos Humanos em relação ao público LGBT. “Essa articulação é necessária para que possamos fazer frente à violência homofóbica, lesbofóbica e transfóbica. E precisamos mudar nossa cultura. Nossa sociedade ainda tem um machismo estrutural, um racismo estrutural, um homofobismo estrutural”, alertou Gustavo Bernardes durante o evento.

Outro ponto destacado foi a participação da juventude no combate à homofobia. O Comitê de São Paulo conta com a presença da juventude e do movimento estudantil na organização, como, por exemplo, o Grupo Para Todos e o Grupo Graúna. Gustavo alertou que a violência dentro da família, contra jovens, é silenciosa, assim como a violência contra a mulher, e, portanto, não chega aos canais de denúncia do governo federal.

Violência – No ano passado, 278 pessoas foram assassinadas entre LGBTs no Brasil, e 49% das vítimas eram travestis e transexuais. Os dados são do Relatório sobre Violência Homofóbica no Brasil. Para Gustavo Bernardes, existe um grande impasse no combate a esse tipo de violência. “A situação nos preocupa porque não podemos ligar para a polícia e pedir para reforçar o policiamento nas zonas de trabalho ou prostituição. Isso porque muitas vezes é a própria polícia que, historicamente, é responsável por essa violência. Temos que acabar com essa política esquizofrênica”, aponta, ao dizer que este é outro desafio.

Video LGBT da semana: It Gets Better Canada

LGBT Canadians share their stories for the It Gets Better Project, including Rick Mercer, Rex Harrington, Diane Flacks, Tommy Smythe, Enza Anderson, the cast of MTV's 1g5g, Joeffer Caoc, David Dixon, Deb Pearce, Peter Fallico and many more

Australian marriage equality advocates send Christmas message


Marriage equality advocates in Australia are encouraging people to talk about the importance of marriage equality when they spend time with their family these holidays


High profile Australian supporters of marriage equality have joined forces to encourage people to talk about the importance of letting gays and lesbians marry when they spend time with family this holiday season.

A new online video campaign by advocacy group Australian Marriage Equality (AME) features Tasmanian Premier Lara Giddings, Labor Senator Louise Pratt, Greens Senator Sarah Hanson-Young, former Australian Medical Association head Professor Kerryn Phelps, independent Sydney MP Alex Greenwich and NSW Greens Legislative Council member Cate Faehrmann.

It also features Karl Katter, the openly gay brother of one of the Australian parliament’s most outspoken critics of same-sex marriage – the independent MP Bob Katter - and ACT gay man Ivan Hinton and his parents and partner - who were the face of a campaign showing the family values behind marriage equality in August this year.

‘Christmas is a time when family and friends gather together, making it the perfect time to spread the message about the importance of marriage equality,’ AME national convenor Rodney Croome said.

‘We know from experience here and overseas that attitudes to marriage equality are shaped, more than anything else, by personal one-to-one conversations. It doesn't matter if you're [Australian Opposition Leader] Tony Abbott's sister, a church parishioner, a farmer, or a mum or dad - the more people talking about marriage equality the harder it will be for our MPs to oppose reform.’

The campaign will also be supported by a selection of shareable Facebook covers and e-cards with the same theme.

The group has also unveiled a giftshop website that allows supporters to buy Christmas gifts for loved ones that contribute directly to the marriage equality campaign in Australia.

For as little as $9.90 you can have 100 voting guides distributed in a strategic electorate before the next Australian Federal Election on behalf of a loved one.

A gift of $250 will put a marriage equality commercial on TV, while a donation of $490 will send a supportive member of clergy to the Australian Parliament to lobby politicians.

There are other options to suit any price range.

Transgender College Hoops Player Is Inspiring Others

Catholic University Denies Recognition to LGBT Student Group


Administrators said that despite students' reassurances, they feared the group would become an advocacy organization rather than a support group.

Catholic University of America

Catholic University of America in Washington, D.C., has rejected a request for university recognition of an LGBT student group, CUAllies, but supporters are vowing to fight on.

University administrators turned the group down this month because, they say, they fear it will become an advocacy organization, Metro Weekly reports. But organizers say they have repeatedly reassured administrators that CUAllies “would not actively promote causes that might be in conflict with Catholic Church with regard to homosexuality,” the paper notes.

Leaders of CUAllies may seek to put the question of recognition to a university-wide student vote. If a majority of students voted in favor of the group, the administration could still override this, but it would show the degree of support for the organization, said Ryan Fecteau, speaker of the Student Association and a former CUAllies director. Most members of the Student Association and representatives of several other campus groups supported CUAllies. CU had an officially recognized gay and lesbian student group from 1988 to 2002, Fecteau noted. Also, some other Catholic universities sanction LGBT student groups. The University of Notre Dame in Indiana this month announced it would recognize an LGBT group, something students had sought for years, and Georgetown University in D.C. has had an LGBTQ Resource Center since 2008.

quinta-feira, 20 de dezembro de 2012

Gay Aussie Politician Weds Partner in Spain


                           Hunter and Semmens

Ian Hunter has become apparently the first Australian politician to marry a same-sex partner, wedding artist Leith Semmens in Spain Wednesday.

Hunter, the social inclusion minister for the state of South Australia, said he and Semmens were sorry their home country wouldn’t recognize their union, but they couldn’t wait for it to enact a marriage equality law.

“Without a doubt it’s inevitable in Australia, but you’re looking at six or seven years, and me and my partner weren’t willing to wait that long,” Hunter told the Associated Press. Spain has allowed same-sex marriage since 2005.

The two men were married at an art gallery in the town of Jun, in southern Spain, with the city’s mayor officiating. In keeping with a local tradition, they kissed for 17 seconds at the ceremony’s close.

“Hunter, 52, is believed to be the first sitting member of an Australian legislative body to marry a gay partner,” the AP reports. “The former scientist has long been a vocal advocate for gay rights, and a lawmaker in the ruling Labor Party in the South Australian state legislature since 2006. He became a state Cabinet minister last year.” On the national level, the Labor Party has endorsed marriage equality, but Prime Minister Julia Gillard is opposed.

Em Fortaleza, 5% dos casos de homofobia ocorrem entre familiares


No município de Fortaleza, 5% dos casos de homofobia registrados pelo Centro de Referência LGBT ocorrem dentro da casa das vítimas e são praticados pela própria família.

Eventos de conscientização são realizados com frequencia na Capital. Foto: Yacana Neponucena

Segundo informações da coordenadora do centro de referência, Luanna Marley, a maioria dos casos tem como agressores a mãe, irmã ou padastro. Grande parte das denúncias ocorre entre adolescentes de 14 a 16 anos. “Fazemos um trabalho articulado com conselhos tutelares, serviço social, centro de referência e o setor de psicologia”, explica Luanna.

Outro grande fator que tem preocupado o centro de referência são as denúncias relacionadas ao ambiente de trabalho. “São atitudes preconceituosas de colegas de trabalho e pelo chefe. Há casos de demissão de pessoas por serem LGBT, mas que são camuflados por outras justificativas. Quando ocorre uma investigação acaba sendo constatado por meio de testemunhas que foi homofobia”, ressalta a coordenadora.

União estável

Mais de 30% dos atendimentos do centro são referente a união estável e casamento civil. Segundo a coordenadora houve um crescimento considerável entre os ano de 2011 e 2012, quando a Prefeitura , por meio da Coordenadoria da Diversidade Sexual realizou o primeiro mutirão da união estável juntamente com a defensoria pública.

Brasil: Florianópolis ganha o primeiro e mais completo guia turístico online LGBT


Portal em três línguas traz informações completas sobre a cidade, com destaque para os estabelecimentos gay friendly

Florianópolis se firma cada vez mais como destino gay friendly. Mas estes turistas que vêm para a cidade ainda têm dificuldade de encontrar informações sobre os cerca de 40 estabelecimentos gay friendly existentes na Capital, além das três praias populares para este público, e as opções de qualidade nas áreas de cultura, gastronomia, hospedagem e lazer. Para suprir esta demanda, o Brazil Gay Tourism (, cuja sigla é BGT, lançou o seu primeiro portal, que é um guia turístico on-line de Florianópolis voltado para o público LGBT, com foco tanto no turista nacional quanto estrangeiro. Para isso, o portal tem opção de três línguas: português, inglês e espanhol (este último será implantado nos próximos dias).

E o investimento no novo portal não é à toa. De janeiro a março do ano passado, estima-se que Florianópolis recebeu cerca de 77 mil turistas LGBT, que gastaram na cidade aproximadamente R$ 61 milhões. Este cálculo do é feito com base no número total de turistas que visitaram a cidade (Fonte: Santur) levando-se em conta que 5% deles são LGBT (Fonte: Organização Mundial de Turismo) e que gastam 30% a mais (Fonte: São Paulo Turismo e Expo Business LGBT 2012).
O portal traz informações sobre a história da cidade, agenda de eventos e festas, pontos turísticos, praias, passeios, compras, beleza e saúde, e turismo de aventura. No setor de hospedagem, há opções de hotéis, pousadas, albergues e aluguel de temporada. E não poderiam faltar as melhores dicas dos restaurantes, bares e boates mais badalados da cidade. E para finalizar, um serviço completo sobre transportes: passeios fretados, táxi, linhas de ônibus, aeroporto, rodoviária e mapas personalizados.

Apesar de o nome estar associado ao turismo, o portal visa a atender também o público local, servindo como uma referência na busca de informações sobre os principais serviços de seu interesse disponíveis na cidade, como médicos, dentistas, lojas, e agenda semanal de eventos e festas. A iniciativa foi do administrador de empresas Gianfranco Morbini, e sua sócia e esposa Svetlana Morbini. “O site está aberto não apenas aos estabelecimentos já frequentados por este público, mas também àqueles que ofereçam um serviço de qualidade e uma linha de trabalho voltada ao respeito à diversidade”, explica Gianfranco.

Quanto ao perfil dos visitantes, ele explica: “São pessoas geralmente de bom poder aquisitivo, sem filhos, que gostam de viajar de três a quatro vezes por ano, e de alto nível cultural, por isso, são mais exigentes com a qualidade, tanto dos serviços quanto dos produtos ofertados”, afirma Svetlana. Um dos dados que chama a atenção é o fato de que 60% deste público realizam pesquisa on-line sobre o destino antes de fazer a viagem. “Esta é uma característica forte deste público. Gostam de pegar informações antes de viajar, de saber os lugares onde podem ir e que serão bem atendidos. Foi aí que vislumbramos a oportunidade”, afirma.

No site há informações também sobre Balneário Camboriú, outra cidade considerada gay friendly, e pretende-se estender a atuação do portal a outros destinos em Santa Catarina que queiram desenvolver o turismo deste segmento. O projeto dos empresários é tornar o guia nacional, desenvolvendo novos portais com informações sobre outros destinos gay friendly do Brasil.

O surgimento da ideia

A ideia de fazer um guia voltado para o turista LGBT surgiu em 2007, quando Gianfranco desenvolveu um guia fictício dentro da disciplina de Empreendedorismo no curso superior de Administração da UFSC. Ele se formou, trabalhou em outras áreas, e cinco anos depois retomou o projeto junto com sua esposa Svetlana, que é tradutora e natural da Sibéria. Eles iniciaram o projeto por meio de uma intensa pesquisa sobre o assunto, buscando informações sobre o turismo gay principalmente em fontes estrangeiras (sites e revistas especializadas, pesquisas de mercado, etc.) em países como Estados Unidos e Austrália, onde este setor é bastante desenvolvido. Em setembro, os empresários lançaram um blog, como uma forma de testar o interesse do mercado. E os resultados foram surpreendentes. Mesmo com pouca divulgação, até então já tiveram mais de 6 mil visitas e mais de 140 mil páginas acessadas.

quarta-feira, 19 de dezembro de 2012

Colombia: Christmas gay nativity Facebook photo sparks Catholic anger


The couple’s nativity scene (Photo: Daily Mail) 
The couple’s nativity scene (Photo: Daily Mail)
A Colombian couple has been condemned by the Catholic Church for posting a photo on Facebook that depicts the nativity scene with two father Josephs and baby Jesus, but no Virgin Mary.

According to the Mail, Andrés Vásquez and Felipe Cárdenas, a gay couple living in the city of Cartagena, posted the image of their nativity plastic figures display without the Virgin Mary to create awareness about the need to legalise equal marriage in the country.

“We did it because we believe in Colombia. We have lived in different cities in the world and we prefer to return to our country,” Mr Vásquez said. “We are beginning to build [a better country] through our new union.”

The city’s Catholic leaders described the display as “sacrilege.”

Earlier this month, during a parliamentary debate about equal marriage, Colombian Senator Edgar Espíndola said the measure would lead to necrophilia, bestiality and paedophilia.

In November, Senator Roberto Gerlein sparked outrage with a similar homophobic rant in which he described gay sex as “dirty and revolting”.

terça-feira, 18 de dezembro de 2012

Ricky Martin speaks at the UN homophobia conference

Jesus was gay, says NZ church billboard


St Matthew-in-the-City church says Jesus Christ’s sexuality is not know for sure but he would have backed gay marriage

A billboard outside an Anglican church in New Zealand suggests Jesus was gay.

Jesus was gay according to a Christmas billboard at a New Zealand Anglican church.

The Christmas billboard at St Matthew-in-the-City in Auckland is frequently controversial - previously it has joked about Joseph’s sexual prowess and shown the Virgin Mary with a pregnancy test.

This year it depicts Jesus in his manger with a rainbow halo and the words: ‘It’s Christmas. Time for Jesus to come out.’

St Matthew’s Reverend Clay Nelson said: ‘Some scholars have tried to make the case that he might have been gay. But it is all conjecture. Maybe gay, maybe not. Does it matter?’

While his colleague at the church, Reverend Glynn Cardy implied Jesus would have backed same-sex marriage, which is currently being debated in New Zealand.

He said: ‘There is almost nothing in the record of his teachings about sexuality while there is plenty about the perils of being rich. Certainly he always supported the marginalized in society.’

And he wanted to raise the question of sexuality among the faithful.

‘Would it make a difference if he was gay? Would that change the picture for you? Would it mean what we revere about him changes?’

Last year’s Virgin Mary pregnancy test billboard spread around the world, reaching 21 million people on Facebook. But it was condemned as ‘blasphemous’ by some Catholics and vandalized.

segunda-feira, 17 de dezembro de 2012

Cameroon jails man for sending a gay text message


Jean-Claude Roger Mbédé's three-year prison term upheld by appeals court in Cameroon, one of Africa's most anti-gay states

Jean-Claude Roger Mbédé's three-year prison term upheld by appeals court in Cameroon, one of Africa's most anti-gay states

An appeals court in Cameroon has upheld a three-year sentence against a man found guilty of ‘homosexuality’ for sending a text message to another man saying: ‘I'm very much in love with you’.

Activists said that today’s court's ruling in Yaoundé, Cameroon’s capital, is a major setback in a country seen as one of the the most repressive in Africa towards LGBT people.

Jean-Claude Roger Mbédé, 32 year-old university student, had been provisionally released on bail in July after serving a year and a half in prison.

In September this year launched an appeal against the court ruling only to have it rejected today (17 December).

His lawyers have now ten days to file an appeal to the country's supreme court.

Holding back tears on today (17 December), Mbédé told the Associated Press by telephone: ‘I am going back to the dismal conditions that got me critically ill before I was temporarily released for medical reasons.

‘I am not sure I can put up with the anti-gay attacks and harassment I underwent at the hands of fellow inmates and prison authorities on account of my perceived and unproven sexual orientation. The justice system in this country is just so unfair’.

Mbédé's provisional release earlier this year followed pressure from rights activists over his deteriorating health aggravated by malnutrition and repeated assaults.

Quoted in the British daily The Guardian, Neela Ghoshal, a researcher in the LGBT rights programme at Human Rights Watch, stated: ‘It's the country that arrests, prosecutes and convicts more people than any other country that we know of in Africa for consensual same-sex adult conduct.

‘In most of these cases there is little or no evidence. Usually people are convicted on the basis of allegations or denunciations from people who have claimed to law enforcement officials that they are gay’.

She said many suspects were tortured or otherwise treated poorly in custody until they gave confessions, which were then used as evidence against them.

In October, two men were convicted of homosexuality because of their ‘effeminate’ appearance and because they were drinking Bailey's Irish Cream, which is viewed as a ‘gay drink’.

Andre Banks, executive director of All Out, said Mbédé is now in significant danger because of the homophobic attention the case has received.

‘Roger said he had to leave the university where he was studying because of the attention from the case and because of the mounting threats and fear of violence that have been very concerning to him’.

‘He's worried that he won't be able to have a normal life in Cameroon because of the amount of attention it's brought to him’.

Mbédé's lawyer, Alice Nkom, had received death threats for defending the student and supporting LGBT rights.

A text message sent in October to Yaoundé-based lawyer Michel Togue, who has also defended people accused of homosexuality, similarly threatened his children.

Attached to the message were photos of the children leaving school.

Last month, the UN High Commissioner for Human Rights spokesperson, Rupert Colville, blasted Cameroon for its mistreatment of LGBT people, citing the case of Mbédé: ‘Laws that target people because of their sexual orientation are discriminatory … we strongly oppose them and we obviously try and convince governments that have such laws to change them.

‘Many governments have had these kinds of laws and have changed them over the years so we hope Cameroon will do [so] as well.’

Being LGBT carries huge risks in Cameroon; same-sex sexual acts are illegal under section 347 of the penal code with a penalty of five years imprisonment including a hefty fine. If the offender is under the age of 21 a more severe punishment is likely.

In 2010 four NGOs published a detailed report indicating that Cameroon is one of the most hostile countries in Africa for LGBT people.

Adeptos do Zenit não querem negros nem homossexuais na equipa


O maior grupo de adeptos do campeão russo, Zenit São Petersburgo, pediu ao clube que se abstenha de contratar futebolistas negros ou homossexuais, na sequência da agitação provocada pela aquisição do brasileiro Hulk. “Não somos racistas, mas vemos a ausência de jogadores negros no Zenit como uma tradição importante”, pode ler-se na carta publicada, nesta segunda-feira, na página oficial do grupo Landscrona.

“Isso permite ao Zenit manter a identidade nacional do clube, que é o símbolo de São Petersburgo”, pode ler-se no manifesto, que tem como título Selecção 12 – Tradições e princípios.

O Zenit é o único emblema do principal escalão do futebol russo que nunca teve um futebolista africano na sua equipa. São Petersburgo é conhecida por ser uma cidade com forte influência da extrema-direita nacionalista.

Os adeptos pedem no manifesto que a equipa conte mais com jogadores formados no clube ou jogadores europeus. “Só queremos jogadores de outras nações-irmãs eslavas, como a Ucrânia e a Bielorrússia, assim como dos estados Bálticos e Escandinávia. Temos a mesma mentalidade e partilhamos um contexto histórico e cultural com estas nações”, pode ler-se na carta do grupo Landscrona.

Estes adeptos também expressam a sua oposição à existência de “minorias sexuais” na equipa, e pedem que cada jogador se esforce “a 101 por cento” em cada jogo.

Vários futebolistas negros rejeitaram ofertas significativas do Zenit nos últimos 12 meses, após receberem ameaças de morte dos adeptos do clube, segundo a imprensa russa. Um porta-voz do Zenit disse nesta segunda-feira que o clube não iria comentar a carta dos adeptos.

O ex-avançado do Zenit e da selecção russa Alexander Panov considerou, citado pela imprensa local, que os adeptos não têm o direito de influenciar a política de recrutamento do clube. “Se não temos bons jogadores que cheguem em São Petersburgo, o que há-de o clube fazer?”, perguntou. “Todos os clubes do mundo têm jogadores negros. Se não os há no Zenit – é problema do Zenit. Não creio que os adeptos devam pedir ao clube para contratar ou deixar de contratar certos jogadores. Os adeptos têm o direito de ir ao estádio ou de ficar em casa”, acrescentou.A equipa do Zenit atravessou uma fase complicada em que teve de fazer frente ao descontentamento de vários jogadores após a contratação, por vários milhões de euros, do brasileiro Hulk (ex-FC Porto) e do belga Witsel (ex-Benfica). Igor Denisov passou mesmo algum tempo na equipa B do Zenit após se ter recusado a jogar, reivindicando um contrato semelhante ao de Hulk. A situação foi posteriormente apaziguada e Denisov regressou à equipa, após um pedido de desculpa.

Racism, homophobia tarnish Zenit supporters


Fans of two-time defending Russian champion Zenit St. Petersburg are calling for non-white and gay players to be excluded from the team, another sign of the racism that is plaguing the country that will host the World Cup in 2018.

Landscrona, the largest Zenit supporters' club, released a manifesto Monday demanding the club field an all-white, heterosexual team. It added that "dark-skinned players are all but forced down Zenit's throat now, which only brings out a negative reaction" and said gay players were "unworthy of our great city."

The club quickly sought to distance itself from the fans. Without directly referring to their manifesto, Zenit's Italian head coach, Luciano Spalletti, said on the club's website that "tolerance for me is most of all the ability to understand and accept differences."

"Furthermore, being tolerant means that you fight against any kind of stupidity," he added.

The club, which is owned by state-controlled natural gas giant Gazprom, also told the R-Sport news agency it picked players on ability alone, insisting that "the team's policy is aimed at development and integration into the world soccer community, and holds no archaic views."

Zenit was the only top-flight Russian team without a black player until this summer, when it acquired Brazilian striker Hulk and Belgian midfielder Axel Witsel for 80 million euros ($105 million). French midfielder Yann M'Vila declined a move to the club in August after receiving death threats.

"I can personally assure you that I will do everything I can to help those who seek to explain to people what tolerance is, and the need to respect other cultures and traditions," Spalletti said. "I think that Zenit has proven through its work that the club understands what tolerance is, and what it means to have tolerant behaviour. The team has gathered players from different countries and ethnic groups who work together to achieve a common goal, and work well."

Fans insisted that "we are not racists and for us the absence of black Zenit players is just an important tradition that underlines the team's identity and nothing more."

Russia has struggled to deal with racism and violence at its stadiums as it prepares to host the 2018 World Cup. Black players are frequently the targets of monkey chants and some, including Anzhi Makhachkala's Robert Carlos and Christopher Samba, have had bananas thrown at them by fans.

Officials have at times shown little enthusiasm for targeting racism. When Lokomotiv Moscow fans held up a banner in 2010 thanking an English team for signing their black striker Peter Odemwingie with a picture of a banana, the head of Russia's World Cup bid awkwardly claimed they were referencing a quaint, little-used Russian expression meaning "to fail an exam."

Zenit's fans have long been the country's most problematic. Dick Advocaat, the team's former Dutch manager, once admitted that "the fans don't like black players" and that it would be "impossible" for Zenit to sign one.

Several black players have also singled out Zenit's fans as particularly racist. Former Russian top scorer Vagner Love told a Brazilian newspaper in April that Zenit was "the most racist team in Russia" and the only one whose fans had abused him in his seven years playing for CSKA Moscow.

Five years earlier, Krylya Sovetov Samara's former Cameroon international Serge Branco told a local newspaper that Zenit's management were "the real racists" for not combatting the problem, adding that "in a civilized country they'd smack them down to the third division for their fans' behaviour."

Zenit's fans have also come under the spotlight recently after one of them threw a firecracker that injured Dinamo Moscow's goalkeeper during a match in November. Prime Minister Dmitry Medvedev, himself a Zenit fan, called for violent spectators to be banned for life from attending matches. Parliament has drafted a bill that would ban hooligans for a year.

Singing Loud And Proud: Choir For LGBT Mormons Breaks Out


Correction Dec. 17, 2012

A previous Web version of this story incorrectly identified Catherine Jeppsen as a professor at Brigham Young University. Jeppsen is an adjunct faculty member.

The One Voice Choir is not officially part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but the ensemble is invited to perform this weekend at an LDS church-sponsored event intended to reach out to the LGBT community. 
The One Voice Choir is not officially part of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints, but the ensemble is invited to perform this weekend at an LDS church-sponsored event intended to reach out to the LGBT community.
 Andrea Smardon/KUER

Growing up in Utah, Ross Owen watched the Mormon Tabernacle Choir on television every Sunday with his family.

"It was almost like watching a rock concert, and I thought, 'Oh, I'd love to do that,' " he says.

But by the time Owen was old enough to join the choir, he was no longer a member of The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints; he had been excommunicated after he came out as gay.

"I almost feel like I've been mourning giving up that foundation that was there for me for the first 20 years of my life," Owen says. "So, now I'm searching for that spirituality and how to get that spirituality back in my life."

Today, he's a part of a new choir — one that's open to gays, lesbians and Mormons. The ensemble of roughly 15 members, called the One Voice Choir, is not officially part of the LDS church in Utah, but they've been invited to perform at a Mormon church-sponsored outreach event for the lesbian, gay, bisexual and transgender community.

For their first rehearsal, the group congregated at a historic LDS chapel near downtown Salt Lake City. Bryan Horn, the group's musical director, resigned from the church after coming out as gay, but says he's still a Mormon in his heart.

"The primary purpose is to create a space where everybody is loved and everybody is welcome — to simply come together, and as Mormon Christians and non-Mormon Christians, to worship Jesus Christ and proclaim our testimonies of Jesus Christ," Horn says.

Catherine Jeppsen, a self-identified ally, accompanies the group at the rehearsal. She's an adjunct faculty member of gender studies at Brigham Young University and says she's met a number of students suffering from a sense of exclusion.

"I just really feel for people who don't feel accepted in the one place they should," Jeppsen says. "And I want to do everything I can to show them that there are people in the Mormon church who do love and accept them, and want them to feel welcome."

Rexene Pitcher, another member of the group, tears up when she talks about her gay son who withdrew from the church when he no longer felt accepted.

"I'm really happy to see people of the Mormon church coming out and saying we love you just the way you are, and being willing to show it," Pitcher says.

Unlike Pitcher's son, 18-year-old choir member Grayson Moore says he hasn't felt compelled to leave the church. Moore identifies as a female-to-male transgender and holds a Temple Recommend — meaning he's a church member in good standing.

The choir's musical director, Bryan Horn, leads the ensemble in rehearsal. 
The choir's musical director, Bryan Horn, leads the ensemble in rehearsal.
Andrea Smardon/KUER

"Most people who grow up in the church, when they transition, they just say, 'I'm not allowed to be LDS anymore', and they just give up and walk away," Moore says at a rehearsal. "I want to show people that you don't have to walk away, that just because it can be hard to be LDS and transgender, that doesn't mean it's not worth it."

Before Moore finished his thoughts, an official from the church where the choir was rehearsing requested that the group end practice and leave.

They were told to no longer use that church as a rehearsal space. The local branch president declined to talk about the decision, but said he didn't want the group's presence to become political. Though a church spokesman later apologized to the choir, the doors remain closed.

The rejection was disheartening for Horn, who says it slowed the momentum of the group.

"Honestly, after that I thought about scrapping the whole idea, and I'm like, you know what, that's the sign that God gave me that this is not right at this time," he says.

But luckily, the choir found a new rehearsal home three weeks later at a nearby Methodist church. The group has been prepping for an LDS church event called Outreach Fireside — an occasion Horn notes as a significant stride for the ensemble.

"I think it's showing the church that we're not the enemy. We're just here to sing," he says. "So, the fact that we're being invited to this Christmas Fireside for LGBT Mormons and straight allies, and even curious people who don't know how to handle this topic in the church, it's a great step in the right direction."

Since the choir was formed, the LDS church launched a new website urging Latter-day Saints to reach out more to gay and lesbian members.

quarta-feira, 12 de dezembro de 2012

Governo britânico quer autorizar casamento homossexual


O governo britânico anunciou esta terça-feira que pretende autorizar os casamentos civis entre pessoas do mesmo sexo, manifestando igualmente abertura para a eventual realização de uniões pelas diferentes religiões presentes no país, à exceção da Igreja Anglicana.

O projeto foi anunciado na Câmara de Comuns pela secretária da Cultura britânica, Maria Miller, que pretende incluir estas novas disposições numa lei no início do próximo ano.

"Esta evolução histórica vai significar que, pela primeira vez, casais do mesmo sexo vão poder casar-se em cerimónias civis", indicou a responsável pela tutela da Cultura.

"As nossas propostas significam que o casamento será aberto a todos", frisou Maria Miller.

O texto apresentado prevê que o casamento religioso entre duas pessoas do mesmo sexo continuará a ser "ilegal" na Igreja Anglicana, maioritária no Reino Unido, deixando, no entanto, à consideração das outras confissões religiosas presentes no país a possibilidade de celebrarem ou não casamentos 'gay'.

Maria Miller afirmou que a Igreja Anglicana (também denominada Igreja da Inglaterra e Gales) manifestou de forma clara a sua oposição face aos casamentos homossexuais religiosos, o que levou o governo britânico a determinar "explicitamente" que será ilegal esta igreja celebrar estas uniões.

"Acredito de forma convicta que, se um casal deseja mostrar o seu amor e o seu mútuo compromisso, o Estado não deve ser um obstaculo", declarou Maria Miller, concluindo que este projeto vai permitir "construir uma sociedade mais justa para todos".

terça-feira, 11 de dezembro de 2012

Mexico: Teacher fired for showing the pro-gay film Milk


Sean Penn plays the role of gay rights campaigner Harvey Milk
Sean Penn plays the role of gay rights campaigner Harvey Milk

A middle school teacher in Mexico has been fired after screening the film “Milk”, which tells the story of legendary US gay rights campaigner Harvey Milk.

Cecilia Hernandez showed the first half-hour of the film to her 7th and 8th graders in the city of Cuajimalpa as part of an approved lesson plan addressing sexual orientation and discrimination.

The newspaper Proceso said the day after she showed the movie, Ms Hernandez was called into the principal’s office and fired.

In an e-mail, the principal called the Oscar-winning film “filth.”

The 2008 film, directed by Gus Van Sant stars Sean Penn as the late US gay rights campaigner Harvey Milk.

Elected as California’s first openly gay official, Milk was assassinated in 1978.

Meanwhile, Ms Henandez says she does not want her job back and has filed a complaint with the national discrimination board.

domingo, 9 de dezembro de 2012

Chile: Motel fined for discriminating against lesbian couple


In the first ruling under a new anti-discrimination law, a Chilean judge has fined a motel for refusing entry to a same-sex couple, and ordered that it can’t refuse entry in future.

The motel was ordered to pay a $4000 (£2500) fine to the lesbian couple, and were ordered to never forbid anyone from renting a room at the establishment based on sexual orientation, reported the Associated Press.

The leading Chilean equal rights group, Movilh, called today’s ruling a victory. It had filed the lawsuit against the motel after new anti-discrimination legislation came into play back in July.

On 12 July, Chile’s president Sebastian Pinera signed anti-discrimination legislation into law. The move comes after the Neo-Nazi killing of a gay man, Daniel Zamudio, in March.

Mr Zamudio’s killing shocked Chile and sparked a national debate on hate crime. He suffered severe head injuries and his body was found in a city park with cigarette burns and swastikas carved in his skin.

Back in March, a gay judge won a custody case against the Chilean courts which had taken away her three daughters in 2004 believing her sexuality to put their development ‘at risk’.

A legal case is already underway to legalise equal marriage in Chile. Three Chilean couples have already begun a case to remove the ban on equal marriage there.

sábado, 8 de dezembro de 2012

British teen jailed for anti-gay rant on train


A 19-year-old who told a gay couple they were 'worse than animals' and '2000 years ago you would have been killed' is in prison

A British teen who hurled homophobic abuse at two gay men on a train was jailed yesterday (7 December).

Ishmail Iqba, 19, will be in imprisoned for 18 weeks after he was found guilty of the verbal onslaught at an earlier hearing.

On 3 August, Blackpool Magistrates Court heard how he had travelled with a group of friends on a Northern Rail service from Wigan to Blackpool North.

During the journey, Iqbal and his friends were heard by a gay man who was offended by the homophobic language and asked the group to stop.

Iqbal, from Coventry, then became aggressive, used anti-gay insults at the passenger and threatened to stab him with a glass bottle.

British Transport policeman (BTP) Chris Haughton said: ‘Despite being told there was CCTV on-board the train, Iqbal continued his homophobic and threatening behavior, telling the passenger and his friend, who confirmed they were gay during the confrontation, they were worse than animals and “2000 years ago you would have been killed”.

‘The two victims left the carriage and reported the incident to BTP. The train was met at Blackpool North and Iqbal was arrested.’

Haughton added: ‘Iqbal’s behavior during this journey was completely deplorable and has no place either on the railway or in society in general.

‘British Transport Police takes any form of abusive behavior extremely seriously and, as this case has shown, will take prompt action against offenders.

‘The sentence handed down by the court clearly also demonstrates that the wider legal system views such behavior in an equally dim light.’

The incident is similar to when a young gay couple filmed a 56-year-old homophobic man verbally abusing and threatening to attack them. He was released with an official police caution.

sexta-feira, 7 de dezembro de 2012

Star Trek icon George Takei appears in new issue Archie Comics


Encounters gay character of Kevin Keller at Science Fiction convention

George Takei, the openly gay actor who came to fame as Sulu in the original Star Trek television series, appears as himself in the just-released issue #6 issue of Archie Comics.

Takei encounters Kevin Keller at a science fiction convention. Keller is the first gay character in the history and married in issue #16 of Life With Archie.

'With Archie Comics, it’s a fun way and a natural way and an ideal way of advocating happily,' Takei tells the Washington Post.

Takei grew up reading the comics and will sign copies of the issue at Midtown Comics in Manhattan at 9 p.m. tonight (5 December).

He agreed to appear in the series after meeting artist and writer Dan Parent, a life-long fan of the science fiction star, during a comic convention.

When Parent pitched the idea of Keller meeting his dream idol by chance in a future issue, he said Takei was ‘thrilled’.

Archie Comics made international headlines when Keller married his doctor boyfriend with Life With Archie #16 targeted by anti-gay group One Million Moms. Soon after the spike in publicity for the issue, the comic sold out.

Takei married his longtime partner, Brad Altman, in 2006 and has been a high-profile advocate for LGBT equality for more than a decade.

Football team fired after hurling anti-gay insults at rivals


Sweden, the home of football's only openly gay pro player Anton Hysén, is shocked after footballers shouted homophobic insults

A Swedish football club has fired all of their players after complaints they had hurled homophobic remarks at members of a rival team.

During a recent Division Seven match with the Stockholm Snipers, players from Sörskogens IF were heard shouting insults such as ‘you suck cock for 50 kronor’, ‘all of you have HIV’, and ‘we’re probably going to get infected’.

Club chair Ketil Torp said: ‘We had no choice but to suspend the entire team. That kind of language isn't appropriate for football or anywhere else.’

Speaking to local radio station Sveriges (SR), Torp added it was ‘damaging’ for the club.

‘We distance ourselves from all insults. Clearly it’s damaging for the club to have players who don’t follow the rules,’ the Local reports he said.

Stockholm Snipers coach Christoffer Smitz said it was a ‘little unpleasant’ in the changing room after the game, saying one of the players was threatened physically.’

Sörskogens IF was fined 5,000 kronor ($757, £470, €579) by the Stockholm Football Association, which also demanded that top club officials attend a training course.

According to SR, it is the first time the Stockholm Football Association has penalized a club for homophobic behaviour.

Anton Hysén, the second ever professional player worldwide to come out, has found fame in his home country.

In 2012, he became the first ever gay man to win ‘Let’s Dance’, the Swedish version of Strictly Come Dancing and Dancing With The Stars.

Speaking to The Guardian, Hysén said: ‘There's nothing to be a role model for – you're gay, it's not a big thing.

‘People tell me I'm a celebrity now, and I shouldn't be. But as long as it helps others by speaking openly, I'll do everything I can.

‘If there's anyone afraid of coming out, they should give me a call.’

quinta-feira, 6 de dezembro de 2012

Filipino judges learn how to protect LGBT rights


Seminar organized by Philippine Judicial Academy and the US's Department of Justice teaches judges about LGBT rights

 Judge Hon. Geraldine Faith Econg presenting at the Roundtable Discussion: Knowledge Sharing on the Protection of the Rights of the LGBT Sector for judges in the Philippines

Twelve regional and family court judges from all over the Philippines learnt how to better protect the rights of LGBT citizens at a roundtable discussion sponsored by the US Department of Justice last week in Manila

During the one-day seminar titled Roundtable Discussion: Knowledge Sharing on the Protection of the Rights of the LGBT Sector, community activists and experts spoke about the human rights of sexual orientation and gender identity (sogi) minorities in the Philippines.

Raymond Alikpala, legal counsel for Ladlad (the world's only LGBT political party) explained the Yogyakarta Principles (international human rights precepts around sogi) and gave examples of groundbreaking judicial decisions from the US and India.

The group discussed recent landmark rulings in the Philippines including the 2010 decision to overturn the Commission on Election's non-acreditation of Ladlad and the legal gender change of an intersex person.

'This is a historic initiative of the judicial branch and completes the contributions of the other two branches - Congress and executive - towards making the Philippines at least legally able to provide some equality and justice for LGBTs,' said Oscar Atadero of Progay Philippines, who also presented at the seminar.

'Even if the entire branch cannot make huge changes, we are indeed happy some judges in the group actually said they are willing to become judicial activists on this respect.'

Atadero spoke about everyday human rights violations experienced by LGBT Filipinos. He cited recent research about violence experienced by lesbian, bisexual and transgender Filipinas.

Judge Geraldine Faith Econg, member of the Supreme Court's committee on gender responsiveness, discussed the few Philippine laws that benefit LGBT people and legal academic Professor Myrna Feliciano discussed significant court cases involving LGBT individuals.

An Anti-Discrimination Bill that could protect LGBT people from frequent discrimination in the workplace, education and in businesses, has stalled in Philippine congress for 13 years.

The seminar was arranged following a focus group discussion with the Philippine Judicial Academy (PhilJA) and the overseas program of the US's Department of Justice in September.

Canada: Activists say blood reforms will still discriminate against gay men


The Canadian Blood Services’ proposed changes to blood donor eligibility do nothing to lessen discrimination against gay men, according to an HIV/AIDS awareness organisation.

Currently, any man that has sex with another man, even once, is prohibited from donating blood for life. But, if approved, Canadian Blood Services’ proposed changes will see the ban relaxed from life to a minimum of five years and a maximum of 10 years from the last relevant sexual contact.

However, according to the Calgary Herald, Susan Cress, executive director for the AIDS Calgary Awareness Association, said the reform wouldn’t decrease the stigmatisation of the male gay population.

“A relaxation on the ban I don’t think really takes us any step forward to equality or to good sound, evidence-based decision making,” Ms Cress said, pointing to the fact Canadian Blood Services already screens every blood donation for HIV.

In September 2011, England and Wales introduced a one-year deferral period, meaning that men who have not had gay sex in the last 12 months may donate blood.

New Zealand trans now able to change gender on passport easily


New Zealand transgender community rejoice in being able to change their gender on their passports by a simple declaration

Transgender citizens of New Zealand will be able to change their gender on their passports by a simple declaration.

The new procedure came into effect on Friday (30 November) allows people to state their gender as male, female or ‘X’ (indeterminate/ unspecified), without the need to change their birth certificates or citizenship records.

Joey Macdonald, the chair of Auckland’s GenderBridge changed the gender on his passport from female to ‘X’.

He told the New Zealand Herald daily: ‘It's amazing, it means that on this particular provision, New Zealand is leading the way and is one of the leading countries in terms of reducing barriers to having a national identity document for transpeople’.

A Human Rights Commission report recommended in 2008 that people should have the right to change their gender on their passports and other documents.

The law in New Zealand was changed in 2009 to allow changes from male to female or vice versa by a declaration from the Family Court, and a change from either gender to "X" by a statutory declaration.

A Family Court declaration is still required for a male/female gender change on citizenship documents, but it has been reported that this policy is under review.

A New Zealand passport office spokesman said gender changes on passports could now be made purely by a statutory declaration stating a person's preferred sex or gender identity and how long they have had that identity.

The passport application form still asks people to tick either male or female and gives no indication of any other option, but the spokesman said the ‘X’ option was known to the transgender community.

A commission report stated that about 400 people have already recorded their gender as ‘X’. Macdonald has already travelled to Australia and back with no apparent problem.

quarta-feira, 5 de dezembro de 2012

terça-feira, 4 de dezembro de 2012

American Psychiatric Association drops Gender Identity Disorder from manual


GLAAD says announcement is a 'historic change' but trans advocates are concerned about the definitions that remain in the manual of mental disorders

Kelley Winters, campaigner for the removal of Gender Identity Disorder from the American Psychiatrist Associations diagnostic manual

The American Psychiatric Association (APA) announced on Saturday that its manual would no longer list 'Gender Identity Disorder'.

But the new, fifth edition of Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM V) will include 'Gender Dysphoria', which it describes as 'a marked incongruence between one's experienced/ expressed gender and assigned gender'.

The Gay & Lesbian Alliance Against Defamation (GLAAD) released a statement describing the announcement as a 'historic change' and instructed the media to 'acknowledge that "Gender Identity Disorder" (GID) - as well as the idea that trans people are automatically "disordered" - are now antiquated ideas among healthcare professionals'.

GANDA Filippinas, a trans women's advocacy group in the Philippines told Gay Star News that while they welcome the removal of Gender Indentity Disorder (GID) from the manual, the remaining definitions relating to trans people are 'not exactly something to cheer about'.

'The removal of GID merely shifts diagnosing trans-identities as a mental disorder to highlighting the distress brought about by one's sex assignment at birth, which will be known as Gender Dysphoria (GD),' said GANDA Filippinas founder Naomi Fontanos.

The removal of GID from APA's manual is one of the demands of the Stop Trans Pathologization campaign, but the campaign also asks that APA drop GD from the manual.

Campaigner Kelley Winters from GID Reform Advocates said in a blog post in June that 'the [APA's] proposed Gender Dysphoria criteria continue to contradict social and medical transition by mis-characterizing transition itself as symptomatic of mental disorder'.

The US's National Center for Transgender Equality executive director Mara Keisling told LGBTQ Nation yesterday that the APA's announcement was an 'amazing step forward, and while not perfect, is a huge improvement for diagnosis and treatment'.

The removal of GID from the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders, which was last published in 1994, can be compared to when APA stopped listing homosexuality as a mental disorder in 1973.

DSM V has been approved by the APA's board of trustees and will be published in May 2013.

In a statement APA said the process of revising the manual has spanned over a decade and included contributions from 1,500 experts in psychiatry, psychology, social work and related fields from 39 countries.

'We believe that DSM V reflects our best scientific understanding of psychiatric disorders and will optimally serve clinical and public health needs,' said APA President Dilip Jeste.

'Our hope is that the DSM V will lead to more accurate diagnoses, better access to mental health services, and improved patient outcomes.'

segunda-feira, 3 de dezembro de 2012

Merkel contra igualdade nos benefícios fiscais para casais gay e matrimónios heterossexuais


A chefe do Governo alemão, Angela Merkel, é contra a equiparação fiscal dos casais homossexuais aos heterossexuais casados.

“Pessoalmente, sou defensora da manutenção dos privilégios fiscais para os casados, já que a nossa Constituição estabelece uma protecção especial para eles e para a sua relação com a família”, disse a chanceler numa entrevista publicada ontem pelo Bild am Sontag.

A equiparação fiscal será um dos temas centrais do congresso do partido de Merkel, a União Cristã Democrata (CDU), que começa hoje em Hannover e termina na quarta-feira. Uma ala dissidente vai apresnetar uma moção a favor da equiparação fiscal, mas parte da direcção do partido é contra.

A lei alemã favorece as pessoas casadas que optam por fazer declarações de rendimentos conjuntas. Neste país, os casamentos homossexuais não são legais. Os casais gay podem registar-se no registo civil no regime de união de facto. Porém, este estatuto não lhes dá uma série de direitos de que os heterossexuais casados usufruem: os fiscais, os de hereditariedade e a possibilidade de adopção.

A maioria dos alemães é favorável à instituição da igualdade legal entre as uniões civis e os casamentos heterossexuais. E a maioria dos partidos no Parlamento também. Mas, além de Merkel, um outro partido é contra a equiparação dos benefícios fiscais, a União Social Cristã, parceiro de coligação da CDU no Governo alemão.

A chanceler disse esperar uma “discussão produtiva” sobre o assunto no congresso de Hannover.

sábado, 1 de dezembro de 2012

Lesbian couple's anti bullying song is a hit


The YouTube video has won an anti-bullying competition

Bria and Chrissy have written a song challenging anti-gay bullying.

 A lesbian couple’s music video to fight bullying has become a hit with YouTube viewers.

The song, produced by singing duo Bria Airb and Chrissy Chambers, tells the story of a young teenager who commits suicide after being bullied.

It was the winning entry in an anti-bullying competition on YouNow. The song will now be recorded in a professional music studio and will be featured on a soundtrack on a currently unannounced film.

The video has hit a note with YouTube viewers, and has received over 12,000 views.

Viewer Chris Webb left a comment saying: ‘Very powerful and emotional song brought tears to my eyes. Bullying must end. Thank you Bria and Chrissy for making this song.’

Another viewer said: ‘This is the most incredible anti-bullying song I have ever heard. Keep up the great work you both do.’

The couple have also written songs about having two mothers, the anti-gay controversy with Chick-Fil-A and former Republican Presidential nominee Mitt Romney.

Watch the video here:


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